Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tuesday, May 24 Chicagoland

Ardith went to school with Leanne, who is a teacher in a gifted program.  Her 4th and 5th grade small groups have been studying about climate change.  They were so interesting to listen to as they shared what they had learned and discussed ways that they could work to help make a difference.  I was so impressed with them and with the work that Leanne is doing.  Leanne has published a book called Tree Huggers, and has a second book being edited for publication in 2012.

Jim spent the day in Chicago.  He had arranged to meet folks who manage the map collection in the Newberry Library, Chicago’s research-only library.  They really like Jim’s web access to the Smithsonian’s collections.  Jim offered to help them in the future to develop something similar for their collection.  They are in the process of selecting a new approach to their catalog database.  Jim gleaned several ideas about storage and preservation.  While he was there, a guy came in who is an officer in the Road Map Collectors Association. He handed out a newsletter that was mostly an article he had written about some maps that Jim has had struggles cataloging.  His article will be helpful.

It was a sunny but windy day and Jim headed to the lake front.  He walked about 2 miles, taking pictures of people, dogs and ships.  He poked around and found a small place on Broadway called the Loose Leaf Lounge.  He had and especially good cup of Darjeeling tea and a turkey sandwich with carrot and celery sticks on the side.  He found a puzzle book there for guest use and completed a Kakuro (math puzzle).

Next up was a walk around the neighborhood looking at and photographing the wonderful architectural details of many of the buildings.  While he was doing this, he was approached by a homeless guy who had no thumbs and claimed it was his 56th birthday.  Jim questioned that in a fun way and the 2 of them shared several laughs.  Jim gave him a small bit of money and he gave Jim a hug.  About 3 minutes later, Jim wished he had taken a picture of the guy’s hand and went back to look for him, but he had disappeared.

After everyone returned “home”, Jim went out in the backyard to play with Layla and her playhouse.  Her very creative parents have imparted that sense to her and she had a lot of great fantasy play. Leanne’s parents came over to meet us and we spent about an hour and a half chatting with them.   

We had dinner in a small local restaurant called the Backyard Grill.  Ardith ate a Polish sausage and Jim enjoyed a very large Greek salad.  As we ate and talked we noticed pictures on the TV of tornados in Oklahoma.  The weather seems to be very active and it is a bit scary to see the damage that has occurred.  Jim wanted a picture of the crew and decided to go outside and take the picture through the window.  Ricky decided that it would be fun to take a picture of Jim taking a picture.  He and Jim vie hard on the nuttiness front.

Jim and Leanne had met on an Earthwatch trip to Kenya, then went on another to India together, so they had lots of reminiscing to do.  We all really enjoyed each other’s company.
Between yesterday and today, we added 312 miles to our voyage.  We have several thousand still to go.

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